Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 299 Slim Jim

Day 299
copyright 2013 polkadot magpie
Sam is still deciding what to wear on Halloween.

Each day is a gift, open now.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 298 Skeletons Aren't Superstitious

Day 298
copyright 2013 polkadot magpie

Sam and the Costco Brothers hung out all over the ladder today.  Happy Friday the 13th!

Will be announcing the winner of the contest Monday Sept. 16th.

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Day 298 Skeletons Aren't Superstitious

Day 298
copyright 2013 polkadot magpie

Sam and the Costco Brothers hung out all over the ladder today.  Happy Friday the 13th!

Will be announcing the winner of the contest Monday Sept. 16th.

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 297 How Many Skeletons Does A Skeleton Have In Her Closet?

Day 297
copyright 2013 Polkadot Magpie

Those Costco Brothers...always up to something!

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

296 Bewitching

copyright 2013 polkadot magpie
Sam starts trying on Halloween costumes. 

Each day is  a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Day 295 The Little Devil

Day 295
 My kids  thought it was cool to see her bones through a cape.  :-)

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 294 In The Chair

Day 294
Sam went with me to see Terriann, a hair stylist I met when I worked in the movies.  Sam wanted a new look, and Terriann was happy to share her wig. 

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Day 293 Skull Repaired

Day 293
With some fancy epoxy and a heat gun Sam's skull is permanently together. Here she rest's on Bob's "project table" while the epoxy sets up.  Why the TSA would take her apart is beyond comprehension.  Don't they have xray machines?

And a day of renumbering the blog posts.  Perhaps I will sit her at the table with my while I do this.

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 292 Bonella

Day 292
A true southern belle, Bonella.

I realized while getting photos ready for publication that the numbers are out of order in places.
Somebody shoulda told me!

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from the blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 291 Camera and Darkroom

Day 291
copyright 2013 polkadot magpie
Sam came with me to Camera and Darkroom, the camera shop I use in Albuquerque. I broke my 18-200 Nikon lens.  So they sent it in for repair.  I can't tell you how much I love this lens, and missed using it.  I walked out with a new fancy tripod, and camera case.  I didn't want to break my lens again with the flimsy tripod I inherited. The camera case was way overdue. 

The owners of Camera and Darkroom are always a delight to work with.  They are in a new location at Menaul and Washington.  I'll be seeing them this week because the tripod has a pull out monopod, and I can't remember how to get it out!!!!

Each day is  a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.

Day 290 Stong Bones

Day 290
copyright 2013 polkadot magpie
Sam visited Mary our pharmacist, and stocked up on calcium and Sam-e.  Mary thought Sam-e was the perfect supplement for a skeleton named Sam. Funny mary!

copyright 2012 polkadot magpie
Mary explains to Sam why calcium is so important. 

At this point we noticed her skull was not lined up....TSA really didn't need to take it apart did they?
Today we worked on it...and it just won't line up.  So with heat any some fancy epoxy, we are going to attempt to repair it tomorrow.

Each day is a gift, open now.

No photos from this blog may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the blogger and polkadot magpie.